Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Read the Directions

When all else fails, read the directions. I was determined this morning to try again to transfer the audio book, I had checked out, from my computer to my MP3 player. I searched the library’s website for instructions on how to load my mobile device; that is what the website called it. I needed to transfer the book from Windows Media Player, which I synced to my devise. I was successful. Well, sort of successful. I transferred a double set of each track, and they were out of order. Through a process of trial and error, I determined which track to begin with. The tracks play in the correct order on my computer, so I just need to check with it when a track ends. Luckily a track is at least an hour long. I began with track 17. My next mystery to figure out will be to download a book correctly and in order.

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