Monday, October 4, 2010

The Surface of the Sun

Ian said the seasons are changing, but it still felt like he was living on the surface of the sun. I thought that was a great word picture.

This past weekend I woke up just before 5:00am. My mind was awake, so I got up. I was checking my email when I noticed a box in the bottom corner with a message saying, “Hi mom.” It was Ian. We got to chat for about ½ an hour. He said that he wouldn’t get to hear General Conference until he returned home, but he did get to watch a District Conference via DVD.  

He also shared that he thinks Phoebe looks a lot like her mother. We chatted about how cute all the little ones are. Of course that is a favorite subject with me. It was a nice way to begin my weekend.

1 comment:

Margot said...

I think she looks like me too, especially as her cheeks get chubbier. I got to chat with him last week too! It was really exciting.