Monday, October 11, 2010

Healing Power

I came home from work tonight with a very painful neck. I couldn’t turn my head without wincing in pain. I couldn’t lift my cart or computer. I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to get dressed for bed. Paige brought me a heating pad, and I was able to nap. I felt a little better when I woke up, but not ready to move. I asked Marc for a blessing. Isaac anointed and Marc sealed. I needed to work on an IEP. When I finished the report, I realized that my neck was much better. I can now move my head without crying out in pain. I am grateful for the healing power of the Priesthood, and for the two worthy Priesthood holders that gave me a blessing.


Grandma Bonnie said...

Do you remember when a priesthood blessing healed my neck during the prayer? I will never forget it.

KaDee said...

I hope you are still feeling better Crystal.

I finally found your blog. I've loved getting a glimpse in to your life outside of church. :)

KaDee said...

PS - thanks for the sweet things you said about Jane in an earlier post.