Friday, October 29, 2010

The Training Is Done!

I finished the Holt English Language Arts training today. It was interesting, but I would rather have been with my students. Marc worked at the same site today, and we got to have lunch together. Having lunch together is a rare treat. In fact it is the first time we have had lunch together on a school day. By the time the day ended, everyone was watching the clock and eager to leave. The head of the Special Education Department at my school attended this training too. She said that we may have to take the training for Holt Math. I was hoping that attending this training would make the politicians happy. The state is spending a lot of money on this training, and now the state cannot fund more books until 2014. I think the politicians that mandated this training need to be more specific about who needs it. They should require teachers who actually teach it to be trained. That would make sense, but what am I saying? Politics don’t always make sense.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Just a Text Away

Today I attended another day of Holt ELA training. I have a student that is in crisis often. Instead of being at school to deal with it, I was sitting in a classroom across town. My assistant and I exchanged many text messages during the morning. I am grateful that I was kept in the loop. I like texting for this reason. I was able to stay in the training, but still be apprised of what was happening at school.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Working Late

I was at work until 7:45pm tonight. I was finishing up reports, and writing plans for the substitute teacher for the next two days. I was exhausted when I got home. I was so focused on getting everything prepared that I didn’t remember our Primary Presidency meeting. We usually meet the 2nd and 4th Wednesday at church from 7:00 to 8:00pm. It is the first one I have missed. One of the Primary counselors called me just after 7:00pm to ask if I was coming. I apologized, but I knew it would have taken me at least 20 minutes or longer to get there. As it turned the other counselor had an emergency and couldn’t go either. I will do better next month.

Monday, October 25, 2010

It Was a Miracle

After our first rehearsal in the chapel I was skeptical as to how successful the Primary Sacrament Meeting would be, but yesterday a miracle occurred. Many people had predicted it would be fine. I was amazed that many of the children, who had not previously prepared, were now ready. All of the 5 year olds recited their parts, and did a good job.

I sat right behind the microphone, and beside the Sunbeams. At one point in the program, the little boy I sat next to offered to show me his rub-on tattoo that was on his back. I assured him that I didn’t need to see it. At another point when the Sunbeams stood at the front singing, they began to slide back and forth bumping into each other. This was not all of the Sunbeams, but it involved three little boys. One sweet little girl was very reverent, and did what she was supposed to do.

My counselors and secretary did a great job making sure everything was in place. The chorister and pianist did not miss a beat, and the teachers shepherded their classes perfectly. I was impressed with the children, and I was once again reminded why I love Primary. And one of the most miraculous occurrences; we ended on time!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Remembering My Brother

Today my brother, Rick, would have been 59 years old. I always remember him on his birthday. I remember him as a youth and young father. He was tall and had an impish sense of humor. I think Jordan looks like Rick. I think Rick would have been a fun uncle. That is how I think of Isaac; he is a fun uncle.
I think Rick had undiagnosed AD/HD. His handwriting was difficult to read. He had difficulty completing and turning in homework in high school. He was an auditory learner when it was a subject he was interested in. He could sit in a classroom and do well on the tests when he had not done the homework. I think school was hard for him.

I will always remember my brother as a young father who was proud of his little family.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Flashing Light

Sometime in the very early morning hours, I was awakened by a flashing light. The phone blinks when there is a message on it. My first thought was how annoying the phone was, and the messages really needed to be checked. Then I become conscious of a loud noise in the distance. I finally woke up enough to realize the flashing light was lightning, and the noise was thunder. I did check the phone messages this morning. There 10 messages. Obviously the secretary is not working out.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Primary Practice

Yesterday the Primary practiced for the second time in the chapel. The Primary Sacrament Meeting program is next Sunday on October 24th. The practice went much better than the first week. It was fortuitous that Sacrament Meeting got out early. We really needed the extra time. The children sang much better, and some of the children actually had their parts memorized. One little 5-year-old boy indicated he really did not need any help, and he did a great job. I was very concerned after the first practice, but I am much encouraged by how well it went yesterday. It was a 100% improved.

I did not go home after Ward Council, but I stayed and watched the 1st ward practice their program. I got some good ideas. They had found a way to make the chorister more visible, and we used their example successfully. They began their program by having the children leave their parents after the Sacrament, and having them line up in the hall. They then marched in reverently while one little girl sang a solo. She had a sweet voice. She did a good job, and her name was Margaux (pronounced Margo). She reminded me of watching my own little Margot sing solos for Primary. It was a sweet memory.

Friday, October 15, 2010


We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give!
~Winston Churchill

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Sub

Yesterday I was in an all day workshop, and my assistant was absent too. I promised my students a treat if they were good for the substitute. The written report from the sub indicated the students I expected to be good were, and the ones I expected would be difficult were as well. The students are graded on their behavior each period according to a rubric that is displayed on the wall. According to that rubric, two students earned an “F” the last period of the day. This indicated they got no work done, and they distracted others from working. I was not surprised at the names of the two students, but I did feel bad for the sub. He is scheduled to return on Friday, and I hope he does.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Teacher

The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.
The resilient teacher survives.

The first four lines are a quote by William Arthur Ward. I added the fifth line after spending the day in a training workshop. I think it takes more endurance to live through the tedious training, than it does working with the students.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Same Phone Number

My mom has had the same house number for many years. It was the same number I memorized for kindergarten over 50 years ago. I am glad that she has that phone number because I know it. The area code has changed a few times, but I still know the number. Recently she questioned why she should have a house phone and a cell phone. Is nostalgia a good reason?

Why do we keep our house phone when we both have a cell phone? We use our cells phones most of the time. We keep our house phone because we have had it for over 24 years. We would have to change too many forms in too many places, and besides that it is an easy number to remember. Do my children feel nostalgic about the phone number they grew up with? They can call home anytime because they too know the number. So our phone number, like my mom’s, is a tradition.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Healing Power

I came home from work tonight with a very painful neck. I couldn’t turn my head without wincing in pain. I couldn’t lift my cart or computer. I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to get dressed for bed. Paige brought me a heating pad, and I was able to nap. I felt a little better when I woke up, but not ready to move. I asked Marc for a blessing. Isaac anointed and Marc sealed. I needed to work on an IEP. When I finished the report, I realized that my neck was much better. I can now move my head without crying out in pain. I am grateful for the healing power of the Priesthood, and for the two worthy Priesthood holders that gave me a blessing.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Be kind to unkind people - they need it the most.

By Ashleigh Brilliant, American Cartoonist of Pot-Shots

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A Strange Day

Something strange happened Wednesday. It was strange, but nice. My two most difficult students weren’t difficult. They were actually good. They were polite, appropriate, and on-task. I gave them each a new pencil with the words, “Caught You Doing Good,” on it. This was done in separate periods. They actually seemed to like getting the positive attention from me, instead of the goofy laughing of their peers. I got good reports on them from other teachers too. I hope it will happen again. Everyday would be nice.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Saving $2,500

The state of California has decided that all middle school teachers should attend training for teaching English Language Arts using Holt curriculum. I am being forced to attend 5 days of training. The other Special Education teachers are being forced to attend as well. None of us teach English. We are support teachers. We support our students, and help the teachers meet the needs of these students. It will cost the district $100/day/teacher to hire substitutes for us. That is 5 teachers, times 5 days, times $100. That is $2,500 just to pay for subs. I don’t know the cost of the training, but I am sure it is not cheap. My students are a challenge, and I do not want to leave them with a sub. I have no choice. The district is so short of funds the teachers took a pay cut, and 5 furlough days this year. I know how they could save at least $2,500.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Direct Instruction

Recently I emphatically insisted that my naughty little boys recite the Pledge of Alliance respectfully. They were using funny voices in an attempt to make each other laugh. I told them that my son was serving in Afghanistan, and they disrespected him and all military members when they acted that way.  They got the message, and they straightened up. There is a big disconnect between patriotism, the USA Flag, and 12-year-old boys. Some things can be learned from example, but this required direct instruction.

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Surface of the Sun

Ian said the seasons are changing, but it still felt like he was living on the surface of the sun. I thought that was a great word picture.

This past weekend I woke up just before 5:00am. My mind was awake, so I got up. I was checking my email when I noticed a box in the bottom corner with a message saying, “Hi mom.” It was Ian. We got to chat for about ½ an hour. He said that he wouldn’t get to hear General Conference until he returned home, but he did get to watch a District Conference via DVD.  

He also shared that he thinks Phoebe looks a lot like her mother. We chatted about how cute all the little ones are. Of course that is a favorite subject with me. It was a nice way to begin my weekend.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Efficiency vs. Economy

 I finally have a functioning desktop computer in my classroom. I have been taking my laptop back and forth to work since school began because I didn’t have a working computer. I have a new computer with a new laser printer. I also have a nice flat screen monitor. It seems huge compared to my old desktop computer. My desk is not nearly as crowded as it was. It took a month to get my computer set-up because the district has reduced the technical staff. There are fewer techs, but just as many computers in need of attention. The district is saving money, and efficiency is not a priority.