Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day

School began today for the students. Everyone got to their classes, and there was only one student that had the wrong schedule. They were very well behaved. Today we went through the planner and marked all the minimum days, vacation days, and report card days. They really love to cross off the vacation days. Most of the kids were able to do this activity, but some were challenged by it. One very small 6th grade boy was uncooperative last period. I am made him stay after school for five minutes, and his compliance level increased. His language arts teacher said she sent him outside 4 times in one hour. She was impressed, but not in a good way. He will be a challenge this year. The good news is I actually got an aide this year, and she is very qualified. This was a good first day.


Margot said...

I thought about you today and wondered how it was going. I'm glad it was a good first day and that you have an aide.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I'm happy that you have an aide and only one spicy far.