Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reading and Relaxing

School finally ended last week. I am so happy to be done. I am very tired. School got out Wednesday, the 17th, and I so far I have done a lot of resting. I have many plans for the summer, but resting seems to be a priority. I have been reading and relaxing.

Right now I am reading the book series about Bobby Pendragon by DJ MacHale. I love to find a series where I can finish one book and pick up the next. That way I don’t forget what the characters are doing. This series has 10 books, and I am now on book 9. I will be sad when the series ends, but I already have my sights on more books. Reading is fun! Sometimes I listen to books from Audible.com. I can do many more mundane tasks when my mind is focused on an adventure somewhere else.

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