Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Destination is Worth the Journey

We keep running into new home improvement projects because of the one we are currently doing. When the cement guys began to repair the flaw in the foundation we discovered the bathtub had a leak, and so the bathtub had to be replaced. The flooring guys just took out the old flooring and discovered that the floor in the kitchen was wet and moldy under the old laminate. This was most likely from the leak in the bathtub drain because the two rooms share a wall. So now we will replace the kitchen cabinets because the mold extends to the base of the cabinets. We are hoping the fun will soon be over, but the end result will be a home free from toxic mold. I am convinced that this home improvement journey will be worth the destination.

1 comment:

Margot said...

Hurray for no toxic mold!