Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Race to Nowhere

This has a very important message. I think it is very important that children are allowed to learn at their own rate, and in their own way.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Step Forward

I have a very bright student who is failing because he has given up. He excuses himself by saying he will try, but having said that he does not finish. He will often tell me that he has forgotten, as if that will make everything fine. Recently he was placed on a behavior contract. This is a tangible way of tracking behavior. Yesterday I saw a happy child that was finally getting work done. I told him that it was nice watching him grow up. He is making progress, even if for just one day, he is moving forward one step at a time.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Good Motto

Failure is forgiven;

Giving up is not.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Good Day

Today was a good day. My most difficult student finally had a day without getting into trouble. Another difficult student has now had 6 consecutive days of good behavior. It is an amazing change. Many interventions have been tried on behalf of these students including prayer. Never underestimate the power of prayer.

Monday, December 6, 2010


Life is always changing. Yesterday there was a shift in callings at church. I have a new counselor. The sister that was serving in that position is now a counselor in Young Women. She will do a great job. I have really appreciated her sound counsel and calm demeanor. She will be an asset to the Young Women. I am now looking forward to working with, and getting to know my new counselor. The Primary theme for 2011 is “I Know the Scriptures Are True,” and the scripture is 2 Nephi 4:15. There will be many changes in the next month. I am hopeful and excited to move forward.